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African Grey(Noah)

23 10:23:06

Hi Kelli:  I have just rescued/adopted a 6 year old African Grey with a history of biting and being abused. His cage was not cleaned for 1 whole year! He had not had many if any toys in that time also. I consulted a Avian Vet that I use for my other birds(Starlings and Parakeets). She said not to let him out until I bring him to get his wings clipped. She thinks it is best that I give him a few months to adapt to my home and trust me before I bring him to see her for exam and wing clip. He has tried to bite me a couple of times but not in a agressive manner. He does seem to be getting territoral about his cage though. He  lets me scratch his head and his back. He is very nervous with any sudden movements and noises.I guess he used to get water thrown on him and things tossed at the cage when he was vocal. He was never taken to a vet either. So sad. He is a good boy and will be loved and kept even if he cannot be out.I would like to see him out and work with him. What is the best way to work with him without getting my fingers bitten off. Im not overly afraid but I am hesitant. Thanks for any ifo.  

I'm so proud of you for giving this guy a second chance!
ok first I would find another vet for him one that has alot of experience with parrots and such because although I'm not a vet some of your vet's recommendations just don't sound right to me.

1) I would take him to get his wings clipped as soon as possible this might tone down his aggression as well once birds learn they can't depend on their wings to get them where they want to go they learn they will have to trust you. You may try a pet store that specializes in birds in your area or another vet to get those wings clipped now.

2)I think it is ridiculous to give him " a few months to adapt" this will mean leaving him in his cage for a few months that sounds horrible. You will have to give him "time" it may take closer to years to get him tame but you should immediately get those wings clipped so you can start the process. When you are in the room with him you can open his door don't pressure him to come out just give him the option. Nothing is more important that gently talking to him birds are so social and they love being talked to. You may know that looking in a dog's eyes is perceived as threat and often discouraged however looking a bird in the eyes shows them that you are talking to them and they love this kind of contact. It sounds like you're re doing everything right just take it slow but at least start the process immediately.
3) being cage territorial - how high is his cage make sure it is below your head level.
to keep him from biting you you can wear heavy duty oven mits or gloves to try to pet him him or clean his cage.
Thank you for rescuing this guy and I wish you the best of luck I strongly recommend another vet I'm sure your vet is great with your other guys but parrots require an especially experienced vet. It sounds to me like your vet may not be comfortable handling him by some of the recommendations he's made so I would find someone else who feels comfortable around him. keep me posted with his progress!!!