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angry old amazon

23 10:11:31

the parrot mike's history is that he belonged to my husband's great uncle now passed. then his great aunt had him for a few years and willed mike out to my mother in law since she had a yellow naped amazon as well. mike always hated my mother in law, and she agreed to help us move to las vegas if my husband would adopt mike. he agreed and now mike has been living with us for a little over two years.
the problem is that my husband works dinner shift at a restaurant within a casino so he leaves in the afternoon and does not return from work until early morning. mike is a screamer, desperate for my husband's attention which he just can't get due to work or sleep. mike is extremely aggressive towards me, to the point where if i go near his cage he  attacks the bars or his toys. nothing has stopped the screeching - he will even screech if my husband is in the room and pays more attention to me than him. i'm concerned about giving him away to new owners yet again. needless to say mike is grating my last nerve and i am desperate to know if there is anything that I can do which will not irritate the parrots hate for women and stop the screeching.

I have to admire that you're sticking it out with Mike.  Does it help to know you're not the only ones with a problem like this?

There are so many people with this same issue that I've addressed it specifically and in depth with step by step help for modifying the behavior at my site.

 It's all free and no ulterior motives so take a look:

 It's pretty long and that's why I hesitate to post it here (and I've got some great pics of my rescues at the site)

 Give it a try and let me know how you and Mike make out.