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Fertile Eggs

23 10:22:32

Hello Tara -
My African Gray, Sammie, has been nesting 2-eggs (the 3rd broke) for 4-weeks this Friday.  I cannot tell if they are fertile.  I have "heard" her and the male - but never saw them having sex.  

Please advise how to know if they are fertile and if not - what happens when I take the eggs away from her?

Thank you,

Hello, I just leave eggs with the parents what ones hatch hatch and which ones are infertile dont and after a few days overdue to hatch I used to remove them and throw them out. You can kill growing chicks within the eggs buy moving them around to check if there fertile my advice is to wait and see what hatches after the eggs have become 3/4 days over due pick them up and throw them out.