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Ive heard of a sexing tip.

23 10:31:33

I've had my Amazon Orange Wing for 22 years now A friend of mine has told me of a way to sex the bird by checking the width of the pelvic bones. It seems that if you feel just above the anal vent along the centre axis of the belly you can feel the pelvic bones. If they're touching odds are it's male. If there's a space, (just a few millimetres) odds are you have a female. Have you heard of this? How accurate would this seem to be? And finally, (I hope this question doesn't make me sound like a moron) can a solitary parrot lay an egg?

Hello, I have never heard of this tip, it could be just an old wives tale! I don't think it would be very accurate. It's a bit like sexing snakes, sometimes you can tell by the shape of the tail but it's never 100 %. The only accurate way to sex a parrot is to have it DNA tested which can be expensive but it's worth it if you really want to know. A solitary female parrot can lay eggs! These are infertile and can just be thrown out. It's not good for them to do that as it can drain calcium from their bones. If your parrot does this it may need to get a calcium supplement if it isn't eating a high quality brand of parrot food like Harrison's high potency pellets. A vet should be able to give a calcium supplement and calcium rich foods like small amounts of cheese or yogurt could also be fed from time to time. I hope this helps and good luck with your parrot!