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Conure throwing up under wing

23 10:04:01

Hi. My 3 year old golden capped conure, Sammi, has been throwing up or regurgitating under his wing for the past year or so. He does not seem to be sick, but the continuous action has caused his feathers to fall out (or be pulled out) under his left wing. On occasion I lift up his wing to find undigested seeds or pellets. Sammi must do this when he is alone because I never see him do it. I have looked this up online on various occasions but have not discovered any remotely similar situations. I am almost positive that Sammi is healthy, but a second opinion would help me to understand and hopefully stop this action. Thank you so much!

-- Hi Amanda.  Where in CA are you?  I'm here in the Sacramento area and would like Sammi to be seen as soon as possible.  

 There are a few different things that might be going on here and a hands on exam is very important.   She may have wing web dermatitis; a sort of infection there that could be caused by any number of things, but if caught early can respond quite well to a course of appropriate antibiotics or an anti fungal, depending on findings.

--- Just in case you're wondering, no, NEVER use pet store or internet meds.  They are extremely dangerous, life threatening and have never, ever improved the condition of a sick bird.  They are decades old types of antibiotics whose usefulness is long over except, in some cases, for FISH.

---  We often hear owners describe symptoms such as you have and add, "...but the bird is healthy".   Unfortunately, no, it's not or these symptoms wouldn't be there.

Too often owners think of avians as mammals.  Expecting a mammal reaction to pain or illness like moaning or other obvious displays.   It will never happen.  These are birds.  Completely different animal, completely different everything.

---  And what does a sick bird usually look like?   A perfectly healthy one.

Right up until it can't "mask" any longer.  Meaning that by the time you see ANY symptoms, whatever the problem is pretty far along.   

So if you have a vet already, get going asap.  If not, please let me know where in CA you are and maybe I can help

 Good luck!