Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > baby quaker

baby quaker

23 10:29:45

i just bought a baby quaker  this week when will he or she eat pellets the baby is eating treats but not pellets  

Hi, Debra.  Thanks for posting!

How old is this baby?  Is s/he weaned?  What kind of treats are you referring to?

The bird will eat whatever it has learned to eat and whatever it likes that is put in front of it (when food is put in the bird's food dishes, it will pick out what they like and/or what they recognize to be food).  You control what your bird eats by what you place in it's food dishes.  A quaker should not only be eating pelleted food, but fresh fruits and veggies, whole grain foods...a variety of healthy, nutritional foods.  Visit my website for more information on the types of foods your quaker should be eating:

Come back with any questions.  Thanks.
