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my sceaming blue and gold

23 10:23:42

Reverend Abbott ,  I have a ten year old blue and gold macaw his name is Harley , i know parrots are load but he seems louder then most.screams so loud i have to leave the room, and he does this at least 5 times a week and when Harley goes on these screaming sprees i try to get to his cage and talk to him to calm and he lunges at me like he wants to bite me.he gets  allot of love and attention and he is very loveable usually i,v tried treats letting him out  i tried petting him covering him I'm running out of ideas i love him so much i want to know what else to try to get him from screaming as much i know all birds scream but his is more then normal and the a aggression toward me when he is in his screaming fit i don't understand my rubys stop screaming as soon as i talk to them but nothing is working that I've tried with Harley . Harley has a great vocabulary and carry on a complete conversation with me and the rubys my husband and kids as well but it is like i make him mad. i don't know what to do please help me help my Harley    thank you heather

this one is pretty easy and you'll be surprised at the method of changing it. Stop going to him. Stop offering him attention and treats. He's got YOU trained!

The most negative reinforcement you could effect for this sort of problem screaming is to totally act like you don't hear a thing. Or leave the room. Or turn your back. Stop all noise in the area - the entire household should 'freeze' for however long it takes for him to hush up.  The moment he does (your timing has to be good on this) you praise him, offer attention, treats and interaction.  When the scream starts up again - the attention needs to stop.

This is easier said than done, I know that. it takes practice, but it's worth it and it really does end up working!

I've got more details at my page (there's not enough room here) so take a look and let me know.  

My blue and gold (Sadie) is there - she's a rescue who was a problem screamer!  These days she's actually less a problem than most macaws ;)