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23 10:33:48

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    i have had my budgie for nearly 3 years now and we are quite close. The problem is that i am going away next year for 2 weeks and i'm affraid that he will get really lonely. My parents will look after him (as i still live at home) but they don't have the connection i do with him. For a long time now i have been thinking about getting him a friend but i'm not sure how he would react. He has lots of mirrors and talks to them all the time but would he be aggressive to another budgie or welcome it?
how should i go about this?
Answer -
Hello Hayley and thank you for your question,

He'd probly welcome a female budgie thou he may get along with a male also, I'd like to warn you now that once you get the other budgie your bird will never be the same, he will cry for the other when they are separated.... even if you house them seprately and in different rooms they will still cry for each oter, your bird will perfer the other bird over yuo and you will lose you little friend forever, I did when I got my budgie a "friend"... more like a replacement for me! And if you get a female chanes are he'll become mean and nasty trying to pertect his hen as he will be trying to coxe her to breed. My advice is stick with one, tell your perants to talk to him daily and make sure he has lots of fresh food/water and new toys to play with.

   thanks for the advice. i don't think i will get him a friend now! so should i spend as much time with him as possible until i go or just spend quality time with him. And should i start going away for a few days at a time so he gets used to me going away. Would it really affect our friendship if i go away for that long? sorry to ask so many questions but i'm really worried and scared!
thanks again.

Answer -
Hello Hayley, your very welcome,

Well if he doesnt like anyone else and wont permit handling my anyone else if you leave him for several weeks he will not be the smae when you return... he will slowly become "untame" if nonoe is taking him out and petting him he will forget that people are friends not foo... thrust me on this.

   he does like my parents and comes out of his cage when they are there and i'm not there but they just don't have the deep conexion that i have. he'll go on their hands and shoulders but he doesn't "play" with them like he does with me. So should i start going away for days so he gets used to me going. I'm also going during the summer holiday so my mum will be with him all day everyday. And should i get them to spend more time with him now so he gets used to that to?
thanks agian,

Hi Hayley, No it is not nessairy to start with a few days at a time, and no it isnt nessairy to get them to spend time with him now, once you are gone he will look to your perants for compationship and all will be well... thou he may flip of his perch when you return... he will be most happy to see you!