Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > male? female?

male? female?

23 10:33:47

iI have two cockatiels they live together and are very close if i
take one out of the cage the other needs to come or gets very
upset, also at night to early morning are quite vocal, late at
night they will snuggle (though it is warm) they 'kiss' cuddle and
groom each other. Is one a boy and the other a girl or are they
the same sex? One seems to do the mating dance but I'm not
shore please help  

Hi Tahlia,

Just because they have bonded so well doesn't necessarily mean that one is a male and one is a female. Many birds of the same sex will bond in the same way, cuddling, "kissing" or feeding each other, calling to each other, etc. The one doing the "mating dance" may very well be a male, but then again, the other cockatiel may be a male also. I'm assuming neither has laid eggs before?

Might I ask how old they are and what colour mutation? You can tell a cockatiel's sex by looking depending on their mutation. If they are just normal greys, then the male will have a very bright yellow face with an orange cheek patch while the female will have a very dull yellowish grey head with a washed out orange cheek patch.

Hope that helps you some!

Good luck,