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How do I get my parrot to talk when he was talking before

23 10:18:14

We just bought a Senegal Parrot yesterday from a pet store one of the main reasons that we picked purcy over every other parrot was because they had said that he was already learning some words such as hello, and goodbye and he was very tame he is a little over a year so I thought this would be great a parrot who already knows how to talk.. the only problem is we get him home and he isn't saying anything this morning is when he is becoming a lot more vocal with the screeching and everytime that we say words to him he either chirps or he opens his mouth like he is mimicing us but nothing is coming out... could the pet store have lied to us or is he just adjusting to his new surroundings... could parrots forget how to talk??

It's not at all unusual for a newly re-home bird to behave very differently than where it came from and felt secure. Even if a bird is rescued from horrific conditions, coming into a situation will be still be frightening.
 One of our new owners with a young and friendly macaw got her home and immediately started to put a hat on her. The poor little bird became not only afraid of her new family, but now was afraid of little hats! We look back and laugh about it because the family stopped what they were doing right away and backed off, giving her time to learn the routine in her new home and adjust to her new environment.
 It's been a couple years since the hat incident (which they never tried again) and this is one of the most loving, sweet birds AND family that I know.
 So give your companion some time and be patient. Birds don't forget how to do anything, they just choose not to do it. ;)

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