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Skin Flap

23 10:33:43

'Charlie' is a 17 year old African grey parrot, who is hand reared, he recently has developed a skin flap underneath his lower beak, the skin flap is grey in colour and wrinkled, do you know what this is and how to treat the flap? Charlie is well in himself still eating, drinking and chatting. He is a feather plucker has plucked for last 5 years i think due to stress of Ex husband leaving home although i think this is unrelated to the skin flap.
any advise is appreciated.
kind regards

Hello Sarah,

I'm not really sure what you mean by a skin flap. I've never heard of anything like this, not anything that would hinder him in any way. Perhaps it is just a bit of stretched skin?? Is there any way you can take a picture and send it to me? ( That would help me out greatly. If it isn't bothering him at all and his behaviour hasn't changed, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Its probably nothing at all.

If it worsens or gets bigger or starts to hinder is everyday activities I would suggest taking him to an avian vet to have him looked at.

Take care,