Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > indian ring neck

indian ring neck

23 10:18:25

hi my name is ethan i have a indian ring neck i think it is about 12 months. i dont know what to do it is scared and bites me. every time i go to try and get it to hop on my hand it either flies away or it bites me

Hi Ethan, it sounds like your little beauty still needs to adjust to hands. It also sounds like it needs to have a wing clipping.  Once a bird is fledged and has the confidence of knowing they can fly, a clipping so that they don't get any distance or lift is important. It means that they can gently glide to the ground if necessary, but they can't fly away (if they ever get outside) and they're more dependent on you inside.
 Always have the wing clipping professionally done to begin with and learn from them. Maintaining it yourself after this first time is pretty easy.

 Take a look at my site for more details about behavior modification and the right steps to take to tame your bird without causing it to be afraid of you. All the information is free (click on 'birds')