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Sleeping Habits of young Cockatiel

23 10:12:43

Hi. I have a new young cockatiel, probably around 2 to 3 months of age. I realised that it takes naps very often throughout the day and i don't know if this is a concern. I cover its cage every night and only remove the cover in the morning.

Napping is a very common behavior in 'tiels, and every other bird!

Monitor for healthy droppings, that he's eating and drinking well, no fluffing excessively (fluffing while sleeping is not unusual) and no staying at the bottom of the cage in a fluffed, sleepy condition.  
I have to be careful about saying this because so many people panic whenever their bird spends time at the cage floor just foraging around or whatever - and that's not a problem.

Take a look here for more bird info ok?  (click the bird tab)

Finally, as long as you're covering for no more than about 12 hours, it's a good idea to keep it up.  I find that most birds are better rested and well adjusted when they have regulation like this.
 You sound like a very good owner!