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Parrot defense

23 10:12:26

How do Parrots protect themselves?

Good question! Parrots, with their hooked bills, are pretty adept at using those beaks for defense.  A macaw has the most powerful beak in the bird kingdom and when they need to, they can break more than palm nuts (a Hyacinth's favorite food).

Their feet have an iron grip and sharp claws/talons.  Once they have a firm hold on something and the determination to teach it a lesson, the offending animal ends up with some severe injuries and a reason to run.

Many animals don't bother approaching a parrot though.  The screech that pierces your eardrum also serves to frighten off even the biggest predators.  For anyone who has cats or dogs sharing the same home as a parrot, they've seen the way the animal bolts out of the room when the bird lets a scream go.

 For the most part though, a parrots defense is avoiding the situation altogether.  They live high in the tree tops, often in pairs or family units, as well as flocks (sort of like a family living in a town with neighborhood watch).  An adult bird's only real potential predator is another bird; babies/eggs; however, are open to predation by snakes and other animals that can climb into the trees.