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my cookaitels eggs

23 10:17:03

my cookaitel layed 4 eggs she's been taking good care of them[ it's been 8 days now for the first egg layed ] i nothice that one of the eggs has a dent [ no break ] in it WHY?is it doing that is the eggs too thin- what can i give her to have beatter eggs and will that egg hatch right please help---- thanks

Hello Jeanette, It is common for an egg to either dent or break especially if a female is new to motherhood or the egg may just have been moved around or developed that way not all eggs are perfect or even fertile and some just don't hatch.Before breeding the finest nutrition is very important and birds should be fed much of the high nutrition vegetables like carrot, broccoli, sweet potato, and brown rice, red or black beans, and breeding formula, pelleted bird food. And this should be fed throughout the time she raises her young including the time the babies wean. Calcium and minerals are very important for egg development so make sure you give her a cuttle bone or mineral block.Best of luck to you and your babies, Christy