Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > blood in parrots dropping?

blood in parrots dropping?

23 10:33:58


I noticed an amount of blood in my parrots dropping! i dont know if this is normal or what?

i have a medium sized green parrot (dont know the name)! with a red pick!

the bird didnt eat anything red and i'm sure its blood!

so please help , i'm so scared about him.


I'm sorry for the delay in my reply, I have been away for 4 days.

If you haven't already, please take your parrot to a vet immediately!!! Blood in stools could be due to a viral infection or a serious liver disease. Blood in droppings is definitely not normal in the least.

If he has coloured pellets, then it is likely due to this. Is there any other foods that you've been feeding him differently?? Colours can easily change due to new foods, different foods have different affects on the colour of the stool.

Again, sorry for the delay. I sincerely hope that he/she is okay!!!!

Take care,