Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > My blue front amazon is throwing his food dish down

My blue front amazon is throwing his food dish down

23 10:14:51

Hi, She, Lucy, Seems to be very unhappy and lately throws her food dish down. We thought food was bad so we got new food but she is still doing it
we got her new toys...
i am not at home that much lately..... but I play with her ...
and also what would be the best way to teach her to speak?
Thank you in advance.
She is 2.5 years old

Haha, welcome to the joys of parrots! She's not throwing the food dish down because she hates the food (be very careful when changing foods...she can become very sick or anorexic), she's throwing it down because it makes a loud noise and gets your attention. It's irritating, wasteful, and just plain strange, but that's a bird for you! You can eliminate this problem by getting feed doors for the cage with a special bar that prevents the bowl from being lifted, or a "quick lock crock."
You can also try to limit this behavior by getting her a powder coated bell (made specifically for parrots) because this makes a loud clanging noise, which they LOVE.
There is no real way to "teach" talking, just give her time and don't repeat yourself over and over because she'll just look at you like you're nuts :)
Good luck finding a method that works for you!