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A baby RingNeck is arriving soon!!! URGENT

23 10:14:52

I hav ordered a baby normal green indian ring neck. Im going 2 get it this sunday at 3 weeks old. I hav no experience in hand feeding b4. So, i wanna know what should i hav (equipments) b4 bring it home. How cn i bath it n how often? Should i feed it handfeeding formula vry 2 hours or 4 hours? And anything i should know b4 bring it hom?

Hello Shereen and thank you for your post.
Congratulations on wanting to raise your new baby yourself.  Handfeeding is a time consuming process, but I feel that it is well worth it in the end.
The equipment that you will need are as follows:
a brooder of some sort.  This can be made out a a heavy plastic tub (be sure that it is well ventilated), a heating pad, absorbent bedding, but do not use Cedar shavings as they will omit toxic fumes.  A clean dry towel will work well.
A good hand feeding formula.  This can be picked up from your local pet shop.
Different sizes of hand feeding syringes, or if you are going to spoon feed your baby, then you will need a hand feeding spoon.
A thermometer(preferably digital cooking thermometer) to test the temperature of the formula (which should be at about 102 degrees to feed the baby).
A gram scale and a growth chart so that you can keep track of how your new baby is growing and the feeding habits of the baby (example: what the feeding times are, how much the baby has eaten in each feeding, times of feeding as they will taper off, and you will want to keep track of when to start weaning).
I use Nursery Water for all of my birds.  Tap water can be used, but if you are going to use water from the tap, bring it to a rapid boil for about 3 minutes, let it cool down, then filter it.  City water is chemically treated, and sometimes the chemicals can be toxic for birds.  Well water, although it is not chemically treated, has a lot of iron and can be harsh on a bird's sensitive system (not to mention that well water tends to have a bad smell to it).  Do not use distilled water.  Distilled water will actually pull out necessary nutrients from your baby's system.
Keep some Pedialyte or equivalent on hand.  This is wonderful for replacing electrolytes that your bird needs if it gets sick.
At three weeks old, you will probably want to feed every 2 or 3 hours.  Be sure to ask the breeder what kind of formula the baby has been fed, how often the baby has been fed, and how much the baby has been eating per feeding.  You will want to stay with as close to the same schedule as possible.  Try to get the same kind of hand feeding formula that the baby is used to, or at least the closest.  A sudden change in the formula can make the baby sick.
Do not introduce any kind of dairy products into the baby's diet.  Dairy products can cause the baby to get diarrhea, which could kill the baby.
I hope this helps to answer your questions.
Please keep me informed on how your new baby is doing, and feel free to come back with any more questions.

Good luck and God Bless.