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when to feed solid food to my baby alexandrine?

23 10:17:43

hi,  hope my mail finds u in best of ur health...

Q...i have a 5 week old baby alexandrine named GREENY. He is very active and i am hand feeding him kaytee 3 times a day. Recently i offered him a soft mashed banana and mangoe which he loved and swallowed i easily....

I want to ask is this ok? at this age can i feed him solid fruits? can he digest it? what age to start pallets and seeds? what age wud weaning begin? i hope to start abundance weaning

waiting for ur reply



Hello Shahid and thank you for your post.
It is fine to offer your baby some banana.  Bananas are easily digested, but don't give too much as your baby can get diareeah from them.
Here is a link to a site that will give you the details of weaning a baby.

I have read through this site and I have learned a lot from it.  It is very informational and very well put together.

Good luck and God Bless.