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Adding a budgie

23 10:13:00

I have a wonderfully sweet, happy, trained budgie who is 3 1/2 years young.  His "companion" is my 7 year young Parrotlet who wants nothing to do with him.  However, this does not bother Beezy (the budgie).  He's happy to hang out with him and knows to keep his distance.  He's happy to follow and mimick the p'let and to play with his toys when Joey isn't looking.  I'm wondering if Beezy would accept a young male budgie as a companion at this point in time. (I don't want babies - thus the thought of a male.)  I can't help but wonder if Beezy would be even happier than he is now to have someone that he can preen and snuggle up to.

Dear Monika,
thank you for your question.
Beezy would definitely be happier with a friend of his own species, all parrots are very social and a partner of their own species is the best you can do for them. Introducing budgies is usually very easy. It's better to isolate the new bird for two or three weeks and let an avian vet check a feces sample and a crop smear for any parasites and disease. After that, you put their cages next to each other and after a day, let them both fly. Usually, they will make friends easily.

Budgies won't breed unless you offer a nesting box, so it doesn't matter if you get a male or a female.
I hope I was of some help to you