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grey feathers

23 10:14:16

Hi my sun conure Squirt is about 5 months old , I bought squirt from a breeder and saw squirt when she was a chick at 4 weeks old . My concern is that squirt is not as big in size as most suns I see in the shops and her feathers on the chest are still grey underneath a fine layer of yellow and orange . Squirt eats really well on fresh fruit and veggies and seed everyday , and she is a very affectionate bird , but I am worried about her plummage and size ? Thanks

Some birds are going to be smaller than others, but the fact that she is still grey worries me. I would probably take her to a vet to make sure she doesn't have any nutritional problems. Seeds aren't the best diet for birds, but if you cannot give her pellets, it's a good idea to let the seeds sprout overnight in some water. Sprouted seeds tell you which seeds are still alive and healthy for her to eat. If you want to switch her to pellets, Roudybush is the most complete in nutrition, followed by Harrison's, and then by the natural Zupreem (no dyes)
She sounds like a sweetie and you take care of her very well, I'm sure!