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Hand Feeding Amazon Baby

23 10:31:30

I have a young Orange wing.  He/She is eating very well and trying out the seed that I have placed with her daily.  The bird was born May 18th.  How long should I be hand feeding this little rascal?  Thank you for your help!

Hi, Mary Dee.  Thanks for posting.

At about 2 months of age, and since s/he is nibbling on other types of food, you can try the weaning process to see if s/he is ready to wean.  Do you know how to wean a parrot?

Also, I highly recommend that you DO NOT wean your baby OWA to seed.  Give seed/nuts as a treat or on occasion or as a reward for positive behavior, but not as a primary item in your OWAs diet.  Seed is high in fat (not good for your bird) and contains very little nutrition...empty calories, so to speak.  Wean your bird to veggies and fruits and other nutritious foods.  My website has more information on this and how to wean:

OWAs are very nice birds...congratulations!
