Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Budgie Cage Location

Budgie Cage Location

23 10:31:30


Answer -
Hi, Mariya.  Thanks for posting.

You can move your budgies anywhere you want, as long as they are OK with it.


Dear Mr. Meatyard,

I'm really sorry to bother you again but I've heard that you can get sick if you sleep in the same room with the budgies. It's got something to do with the lungs... Anyway, I just want to be totally sure it's safe.

Thank You again!

   Yours truly,

Hi again Mariya.  

You don't need to worry about sleeping with your budgies in the same room.  Some birds produce a powder like substance from their feathers called bloom.  Budgies do not produce this substance.  I've slept in the same room/home with hundreds of birds for over 17 years, and I don't suffer from any type of respiratory problems.  I'd be more worried about sleeping with my dogs/cats in the same room...all that dog/cat hair/dander isn't good for the lungs either!
