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parakeet handling

23 10:14:24

I bought a young parakeet yesterday.  It still has stripes on its head all the way to its bill and hasn't had its first molting yet.  I realize that it needs time to adjust to the new environment in my home.  I was wondering what you think the best way to teach it to step up is.  I know that it will take time, patience, and effort.  So far, the bird appears quite smart, and is pretty active.  I want to let it fly around my apartment, because I know it needs to stretch its wings.  Any advice?

Hi, Kim,

Happy New Year!  Your question was in the question pool...evidently the person you sent your question to could not answer.

Yes, you are correct about allowing the bird time to adjust to its new home.  To teach the step up command, place your finger to the bird's chest just above its legs, gently press the chest, and say "up."  Reward your bird with its favorite treat when it does what you want.  

I do not recommend allowing your bird free-flight around your apartment.  There are many disasters just waiting to happen to birds allowed free-flight in our homes.  It's OK to allow your bird to come out each day, but you need to control/set boundaries where your bird is allowed to roam.  Do this by providing a play stand and not allowing your bird to fly around your apartment.  A bird can stretch its wings by just flapping them vigorously.  I also recommend keeping flight feathers trimmed so you can have some control over your bird and so you can catch s/he when you need to.  Trimming flight feathers, if done properly, allows a bird to fly, but the bird cannot gain altitude when it does fly.  You need to control your bird, not allow your bird to control you.
