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caging diff. birds

23 10:22:54

i have a green-cheeked conure and i am looing for a cage mate for it. he is very well behaved and i was just wondering what my options of "other" birds i could put him with.

There is no for sure other bird that would work I would suggest trying to stay as close to the species as possible. maybe another pyruhah (SP) conure like a maroon belly or a crimson those are gorgeous! Just be careful and introduce both birds adequately before you but them together. There is no for sure way to make sure any birds will get along. I would suggest getting the other bid a good sized cage Even if they don't get along in the cage they might be great friends on a play gym make sure you have enough food and water spots so one bird can't keep the other bird from eating as well as 2 sleeping areas. __KElli