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new on budgies!!!

23 10:15:26

i just got a blue budgie, Buddy 5 days ago and 2 days later, i got an albino budgie, Evie.
i was just going to have one, but seeing how i go to school 5 days a week, i thought Buddy would like to have a companion.
Then i asked couple of other people and they said i would be better off with one. i then realized my mistake, but couldnt take evie back, because that would be cruel to Buddy after they have bonded.
These are my first birds so i am VERY nervous.
First of all, i would like to know the sex of Evie. Evie has red eyes so im sure its an albino. i heard that albino birds sex are hard to recognize. Evie's cere is pinkish tan, so i think its a girl.
Buddy and Evie live in one cage, but im not sure if its big enough. its 19"L x 11 1/8"W x 19 1/8"H (48cm x 28cm x 48.5) if its not big enough, i can get another same sized cage and maybe put them together? i could open the both doors and put them together so they can still be with each other.
they seem to be getting along pretty well, but im worried that they'll just bond with each other and not me. the whole point of me getting a budgie was because i wanted to bond with it.
is there any way that i can bond with them at the same time?
i've been giving them seeds for their food and spray millet every day. but then i read that it could lead to malnutrition, so i decided to give them fresh vegetable and maybe some fruits. should i do that or just give them bugie pellets?
when i bought Buddy, i was going to get another boy, but my mom forced me to get a girl, because she said they will be more happy. but the problem is, i dont want them to mate. what am i going to do if they lay eggs? the people at the pet store said just throw them out, but it seems harsh to both the eggs and Evie. and if i keep them, what if they hatch? i wouldnt know a thing about taking care of them, and it would be too much of a responsibility for me.
i was originally planning to get a pair of lovebirds, but it turned out to bemore expensive than i thought, so i got a pair of budgies instead. i researched loved birds everyday for 2 weeks before, but nw that i have budgies i dont know what to do.
are budgies parrots?
i have SOO much other questions but i'll leave it here for now, haha. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

ANSWER: Hello Susan and thank you for posting!
Yes, Budgies are Parrots.  
The cage that you have should be big enough for the two of your Budgies.  You will have to keep a watch on them to be sure that there is no fighting between them, and it does sound like Evie is a female.
An all seed diet can definately lead to malnutrition as well as other problems, so the fresh fruits and vegetables every day are great, and a pelleted diet is definately better for them than seeds.  Seeds can be used as an occasional treat or reward safely, but that's about all.
If you are new to bird ownership, then Budgies are a much better choice than Lovebirds as Lovebirds can get mean without any kind of warning (I have a few scars from Lovebirds).
If Evie does lay eggs, you can discard them or let her sit on them and see if they hatch.  I am also sending you a link for a site that one of our other Experts has.  It will explain how to take care of the babies, along with other issues that you will want to know.  The site is very informaitave.
Yes, it is possible to bond with both of your Budgies at the same time.  Just be sure to share equal amounts of time with each of them, or better yet, at the same time.
The fact that you've done research on Lovebirds shows that you will be a responsible bird owner, and you'll do fine, so you can relax a bit.  You'll love your new friends, and they'll love you too.
If you have any questions, you can always post the questions to me or any of the other Experts here and we will be happy to help you.

Good luck and God Bless.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi again
yesterday Evie, the albino budgie, escaped from her cage while i was changing her food. it took me about 10 min to catch her and when i was trying to grab her, she bit me!
is there anything i can help with her emotional trauma?
she seems really shook up

ANSWER: Hello again Susan.
Although it is an emotional trauma for her, she will be fine in a couple of days.  Try getting her to take her favorite treat out of your hand.  Things like Millet Spray ar great for a situation like this.
Just keep talking to her in a calm gentle voice.  She will get over it.
When she does, you might want to consider having her wings clipped.  Then she won't be able to fly as far or as high as she can with her full flight feathers, which will make it easier to catch her in the future (it will also make it easier for taming/training).

God Bless.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Evie is really scared of me.
when i put my hand even near the cage, she freaks out and flys away.
she is much unsettled then Buddy,  her companion, who only got her 2 days before her.
what can i do to make her feel comforted and close to me?

Hello again Susan.
Try separating Evie from Buddy and putting Evie in the room where you spend the most time.  Then talk to her a lot in a calm quiet voice.  She will learn to trust your voice and will become curious about it.  It may take some time, but she'll come around to trusting you enough.  
After a few days of this (hoping that her wings are clipped), cut back on her food to about half, but keep the other half handy in a dish.  Open the cage door and let her come out on her own.  Once she has stepped onto the entrance of the cage, hold one hand up to her and give her the command that you are going to use for the step Up Command.  The other hand should be holding the dish of food just close enough for her to ALMOST be able to reach it.  Once she steps onto your hand, even if it is one foot, give her a couple nibbles of the food.  Before too long, she will readily step up onto your hand willingly and you won't need to use the food to coax her anymore.
Remember that trust, patience, and consistency are the keys to taming/training.
I have used this method on just about all of my birds, successfully, including my older birds.
Let me know how it goes.

God Bless.