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whether to take back my Catalina Macaw

23 10:12:48

I had a catalina macaw that I hand fed as a baby and she grew very bonded to me. After about a 1 1/2 yrs. I sold her to a family near by who no longer want to deal with how destructive she is-but they keep her out of the cage and really spoil her and Macaws do chew! I have a chance to take her back-they've had her a couple of years but will she remember me? I would only consider taking her back if she still reacts well with me.

 This wouldn't be a second thought for me, yes, take her back. It doesn't matter if she remembers you or not, what matters is that she's loved and cared for, and wanted.  

 If you've had a bond before you can get one again

Given that these magnificent birds live to be about 65 years old - she's still a child!  

 See more about our girls and macaw care