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laying eggs?????

23 10:20:30

hi i was wondering if anyone could help me... my budgie has layed a single egg but has been nowhere near another budgie let alone a male since i got her 2 years ago ???? please help

All avians and many reptile species will lay eggs without a male. These eggs are not fertile and won't become 'babies'.

Chickens for the egg industry for example, constantly lay eggs right? They are in henhouses without any roosters.

For our pet birds, egg laying should be discouraged. There's too much calcium drained from their system and the potential for egg binding could be fatal.
 To prevent egg laying, leave the current egg in the cage for her to "care for". If the egg is cracked or broken, remove it, it has too much potential to harbor bacteria.
You can the chance of just removing it and hope she doesn't try to replace it.

To discourage egg laying, regulating day and nighttime hours (12 hours and 12 hours) often helps.  Changing the inside of her cage around every other week could help too. Removing any objects she has 'bonded' with like a bell or mirror would be wise.

You need to make sure she has fresh/clean cuttlebone at all times to help keep her calcium up. Some people will scrape a bit into their food bowls, but not if this puts the bird off her food.
Fresh food choices that help keep her healthy are dark, leafy greens like mustard greens, chard, even spinach in small amounts (not too much spinach for a little one like this).

 Find out more about how to better address all your birdy issues - including egg laying - at my site. NOTHING is for sale, nothing promoted and no ulterior motives.  (click on 'birds')