Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > indian ringnecks and lovebirds in same aviary

indian ringnecks and lovebirds in same aviary

23 10:06:58

QUESTION: Hi, I've got a pair of indian ringnecks in an aviary and would like to add a pair of lovebirds for breeding. Can this be done? If so, what precautions should I take?

ANSWER: How big is the aviary?   Indoor or outdoor?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 1.3 wide x 1.1 high and 0.8 meters deep . It's an outdoor aviary

The aviary needs to be at least twice as big as it is, otherwise there will very likely be aggression between these birds and territorial tension that could result in them even hurting their mates or chicks.

Ideally, 5.48 meters tall and wide/deep would suit these birds.  We have that sized aviary for 4 to 6 cockatiels in rescue.

Good luck