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clipped wings

23 10:30:56

do you know if my bird sounds like hes had hes wings clipped he is a rosella and very shy and his wings are short and he cant fly but he flaps alot will they grow back if they have been clipped,should i get him a companion or not

Hi. It does sound like his wings have been clipped, sometimes when they arent clipped properly, they dont grow back right, my own rescue parrot had his wings clipped too short and over a year later he still cant fly. Clipping wings needs to be done carefully as it can irritate them and lead to them plucking their feathers out which is very serious. Hopefully your birds will grow back with time. If you want to keep him in an aviary you could get some more birds. If you want him as a pet its best not to get another one as they will become attached to each other and harder to handle