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A question on taming

23 10:16:37

I love parrots and always have. For a yr now we have had a yellow collared macaw that was owned by a woman and never handled...He is now actually not hand friendly but very happy...When he came here..he would not move or make a he loves music and attention though still hand shy.
My husband has a customer who came in and had a red lored that he said was his sisters bird. She died and they took this bird in. She was with a constantly screaming yellow head and a nutso african grey. She has not been handled to the best of what I could get out of them. He nails are EXTREMELY long and one is even a bit deformed...Since I am not an expert..we are bringing her down to an expert next week to be trimmed properly and hoping that eventually the nail will get back to normal.
Anyhow...if you have any suggestions on how to handle the hand shyness of the yellow collared macaw or how to return the red lored to hand friendly it would be appreciated.
The red lored is SWEET and does not want to bite...She is just scared of it I think..She loves attention, talks and is ecstatic with the new found attention

Well to gain the trust of the macaw, feed him treats like banana slices and make him take them from your hand. After he isn't afraid of your hand, put the treat in one hand and put the other up by his head so he gets used to your hand close to him. Keep inching your hand closer and closer and just gradually pet him until he's not afraid of you.
Now, to tame the red lored, buy lots of bandaids LOL
When she bites, ignore it (it's hard, I know, but it does work, I promise). Since (as you say) she's biting because she's scared, she will stop biting when she realizes that the biting doesn't make the hand go away. Now, if her fear isn't what's causing the biting, this method will NOT work, so if there is no improvement in just a couple days, stop! To tame her, do the same as with the macaw by feeding her lots of treats. Once they aren't afraid of hands, you can easily teach them to step up and be cuddled and play with people. If you can, find a person who has a red lored and/or a yellow collared that is tame, and have the birds spend some time with each other. Tame birds REALLY speed up the process because they prove to the untame bird that humans are friendly and fun to play with.
If you want to, email me a picture of the red lored's toenails and I can help you know how to clip them (lots of vets charge plenty) because it really isn't difficult, lots of people just are scared. You can also email me with any other questions or problems through my website (I hardly ever get the emails from allexperts, so it takes a while before I answer questions on here. through my personal email, I answer right away, usually)