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re behaviour of a baby cockateil

23 10:20:21

hi , i have a 8 week old cockateil , i have had him 2 weeks and i am a bit unsure about him . he has a bald patch on the back of his head which i found out was due to his parents plucking them out is this correct? and how long will they take to grow back could it be mites? also he sits on the floor not a perch and is scared of any food that is not seed so he will not eat a variety of foods as well as being scared of toys ect but is very tame with it.

Hello, Some color mutations of cockatiels namley lutinos/albinos and pearl lutinos or anything that has lutino coloring has a chance of having a blad spot behind its crest....the lutinos and albinos are prone to it...I had a lutino pearl pied with a small bald spot behind her crest efore and every lutino and albino I see has the blad spot some larger then others...if your bird is of any of the above colors then this is very normal and isnt anything to worry about.