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Parakeet :(

23 10:27:01

I purchased two young parakeets for my two boys one and a half months ago.
I helped them care for them regularly, but my finals became overwhelming
and I stopped paying close attention to their condition. Tonight, I looked in
on them, and was horrified to see the youngest nose, and upper beak slightly
crusty and dry, her lower beak, on the outside edges also dry and slightly
crusty I think?, and on their beaks and feathers underneath both their beaks
to mid chest, dirty yellowish discolored feathers. I suspect the dirty beaks and
feathers might be from a hanging treat of parakeet seeds and dread fruit
which is a bit sticky, but the crusting and drying around their beaks and nose
is very disturbing. Also, the water feeder that was recommended we buy from
the pet store we purchased them from, does not seem to allow for adequate
access since the narrow trough is deep, and because the water level does not
seem to be going down much. even though I change the water daily. I am very
worried. please help.

Unfortunately, pet stores don't always know how to take care of these pets. They are there to make a sale.

Let's hope we can turn these little lives around and make some healthy changes.

 1. Install a water bowl - one appropriate to these little guys. A water bowl should also be somewhat big enough for the bird to splash water onto themselves. Healthy skin/feathers are reliant on regular bathing (at least once a week they should be given a misting or provided a shallow bowl of water to bathe in).

2. Treat sticks should be removed after an hour or so, not left in.

3. The parakeets main diet should be a pelleted diet with only occassional seed (up to 20% their overall diet).

4. Fresh fruits/vegetables/legumes provided daily.

Birds really aren't the carefree critters that it may seem they are. They absolutely need daily interaction and care.
Every day, a fresh water change - and check on it regularly to be sure there's no food, seed or soiling in it.

The pellets/seed should be refreshed daily and totally changed about every 3 days.

Fresh food should be provided in a separate bowl - removed after 1-2 hours (otherwise dangerous bacteria may infect the birds).

It should also be time for a well bird vet visit to establish your birds as regular patients. This way, a vet knows your birds and has a record - and if there's ever an emergency, you've got someone to call.

There's nothing worse than having a sick bird slowly die on a weekend because you don't have anyone to call. Vets don't often take new patients on an emergency basis without charging a LOT more money.

The birds should be handled daily, taken out and interacted with. Make sure the vet shows you how to clip the wings.

 Please take a look at our birds and get a better idea of routine that's ideal for health.

In the meantime, please, please bring these two in for their vet visit - play it safe and continue to teach your boys how to value life and be responsible, even when it's not convenient and may be a little off budget.
You're doing a good job mom! Don't stop now !  (click on 'birds')