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Introducing another cockateil

23 10:30:49

Thank you so much for your answer.  I had no idea about her calcium problem with laying eggs.  I will go and see a bird specialist vet a.s.a.p.  I a little bewildered as to why she is laying the eggs then.
But Thanks again.


Followup To

Question -
Hi There,
I have a lovely female cockateil who is friendly and has a beautiful temprement.  As soon as I get home from work I let her out and she sits with me and flys around the house but she hates me leaving in morning and is so excited to see me when I get home.  She has been laying eggs & I would like to get her a companion but do not want to start breeding birds.  Can I introduce another female?  If I get a male they will obviously start breeeding....please shed some light my feathered friend needs some companionship.

Answer -
She needs to be seen by a vet. Her laying eggs when she isn't a breeding bird is using up too much of her calcium and this is being taken from her bones to lay eggs that aren't needed. A vet may discuss how to stop this and give her supplements to help prevent her becoming very weak and sick. There isn't really much point in getting another bird until your bird gets her health sorted out, introducing a new bird to her will stress her out and if she is already lacking calcium her immune system will already be weak. She cant go on laying eggs all the time for the rest of her life. She should only lay eggs if you have a nest box and a male in her cage. It isnt really normal for her to be laying them when shes on her own so she may have a problem. Good luck and hope you get it sorted out

You are very welcome. When you get the problem sorted she should be able to be introduced to a friend, I can help you with that when you need it. Let me know how you get on. I would recommend feeding her Harrisons high potency pellets for cockatiels as well as lots of calcium rich foods, including egg food. Your vet should also be able to advise you on feeding to help to get her back to full strength and get her calcium levels back up. Hopefully she will stop laying eggs. In the wild that would be very unusual as they need all their energy for survival and laying eggs that arent fertile is a very very big waste of vital energy and nutrients. Good luck and let me know how it goes!