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eating habits in quaker parrots

23 10:32:55

my quaker hasnt if any ate in 2 days what should i do and how long can she go without eating. thank you  rona ison

Hi Rona,
 I can't really answer your question without more information. First of all I need to know, how old is your bird? I also need to know if you are seeing any other behavior that has changed or notice any difference in your birds droppings. What is your birds normal diet?  

 A bird can not really go more than a very short time without eating before getting in to pretty grave danger. They have extremely fast metabolism and if they don't eat, will lose weight rapidly.

My suggestion would be to get your bird to an avian vet RIGHT AWAY. This may be the first visible sign of a serious problem and in birds, once they start showing any sign of illness they are often in criticial condition because birds are designed by nature to hide illness until they just can't do so anymore. Unfortnately, I am just about to leave for work and will not be able to access a computer again until almost midnight tonight to get that additional information from you. Please, please get your bird to a vet today. Even of you can't find an avian vet, see if you can locate a 24 hour emergency pet clinic in your area and get your bird there right away so that you have the best chance of saving that wonderful little life.

Best of luck to you,
