Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Finger sucking behaviour

Finger sucking behaviour

23 10:17:46

My son has 1 yr old ring necked parakeet that has started "sucking" on his finger - like the way a baby bird feeds from its mother. Is this something I should discourage or possibly a sign of a problem?
The bird seems healthy and seems to enjoy this behaviour.
Thank you for your time.

Hi, Wendy,

I think the behavior you are describing is the result of this bird being handfed as a baby.  A baby parrot that was handfed grows to love human fingers/hands and, even when  grown, may "suckle" on fingers because they have fond memories of this when they were babies.  I have many older parrots that I handfed as babies that will still place their beaks around my fingers and bob their heads up and down as when they were being handfed.  Parrots remember the good things and bad things that happen to them...I'd say this bird has fond memories of being handfed as a baby.  

I don't think this is a problem at all.  It's probably a good sign that the bird is bonded to your son.  Just be sure your son washes his hands well before allowing the bird to do this as germs can get passed from fingers to bird.
