Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > sexing adolescent budgie

sexing adolescent budgie

23 10:22:36

Yes, yesterday i went to buy a budgie that i was sure was a female but they gave me the wrong one and i'm not sure what it is it's cere is opaque cere just like a female's but on the corners it has a little blue and i know its not a baby because it doesnt have stripes on its forehead but i dont think its an adult either because the eyes are all black.Would you by anychance know what it is a boy or a girl?

It sounds like it's still very young and the cere isn't in full color yet. It can take 6 to 8 or even 10 months for the color to become apparent (and for the eyes to color).

Take a look at this site for more details about how to notice the slightest differences

Good luck (and I'm sure you'll love the little one no matter what it is !)