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parrot bitting

23 10:22:22

how can i stop my parrot from bitting my wife for no reason


Parrots don't bite for no reason. When a parrot is biting we need to learn to understand our parrots behavior and body language. Something in your parrot's environment or interactions with people is giving a cue for your bird to bite. And for a behavior to continue the behavior must be rewarded. So something is telling your bird that he must bite and the biting behavior is being rewarded somehow.

Since you didn't give me any information on what happens before, during, and after a bite, or what species you have I can't evaluate why your bird is biting and what you can do to change the behavior. If you can provide me with more information I can give you more guidance specific to your situation.

Here are some of my past answers that may help you:

I also recommend that you purchase these books:

If you want to improve your relationship with your bird it will take a commitment from you and your wife to learn all you can about natural wild parrot behavior, training, and how to set up your home environment to allow you to build a trusting positive relationship with your bird. There is also the option of working with a parrot behaviorist.

My website has links to several excellent resources. Take some time to look through them.
