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green rump parrolets

23 10:34:50

hi i am considering a green rump parrolet. from what i have read they are less aggressive as a pacific. no breeder will tell me how much of a difference there is. the pacific are way to aggressive from the ones i have handled. will there be much less aggessiveness with the green rump or when they get used to there surroundings will they be as likely to bite for their own way? thx angie

Hi Angie,

  Sorry this took me awhile but I no longer have daily access to a computer. Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to be of much help with this. I have very limited experience with parrotlets. I only have the one green rump and have not dealt with any of the others. The green rump we have is a fairly sweet bird though as with all birds he can be a little nippy when he gets aggravated.

 I dont think any breeder can tell you exactly how much of a difference there is in the temperments because a lot of that is going to depend on the individual bird. Like people they each have their own distinct personality. Their behavior is also very dependent on you.  I would just keep looking at many parrotlets until you find the one that just seems to click with you and then take that one home regardless of which type he or she is. Once you are home be sure to work with your bird on a daily basis and do some reading to learn the best ways to work with your bird. The Companion Parrot Quarterly ( a magazine you can look up the info for online) is a wonderful behavior guide.

 Best of luck to you in your search for a little green buddy. They are wonderful BIG birds in a tiny birds body.
