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african grey who is picking himself bald

23 10:34:51

i have an african grey who has been picking his feathers for several years, but lately is getting really bad at it and has his neck and chest picked bald, the bird is 6 1/2 years old, he has been on a diet of nutriberries since it was about a two years old, i am taking him to my vet in a couple of days to make sure he isn't sick in some way, it's poop is normal, it eats and drink okay, and seems to be healthy, any idea on this matter? thank you

Hi shirley,
1. greys need calcium (calciboost) online at the birdcage company and other places, this is where I get ours.
you need a better diet for your grey fruit veggies seed and a good pellet like harrison or scenic bird pellets. these are the two we use with all our birds.
We have a grey that did the same thing but nolonger does
she gets calaiboost twice aweek in her water and a good diet.
and all our birds get more or less the same things we do.
we have dinner and breakfast together
oatmeal with fruit, eggs toast,yams very good for parrots
mashed the list goes on and on.
greens greens
Take care Barbara
write any time you want.
greys live to be 50-76 yrs read read books