Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > can budgies have seizures?...

can budgies have seizures?...

23 10:34:40

can budgies have seizures? My doesn't seem sick but cant get back on the perch and stays in bottom with food and water.

If your bird is hanging out at the bottom of the cage, you DO have a very sick bird. This is totally unnatural behavior for a bird to sit for any length of time at the bottom of their cage... unless they are digging through their litter, or eating/drinking (if their water/food is located at the bottom of the cage).

Your bird should be taken to an avian vet asap. You can find an avian vet near you here:


Good Luck with your little bird...

Also- it is possible for a bird to have a seizure.
