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Parakeets Eggs

23 10:35:03

Hello Maggie,
Not sure if you can help but here it goes.  My Friends Parakeets laid about 8 eggs...The mother died two days ago and not sure if the eggs will still hatch or if there is something special we need to do to get the eggs to hatch..We did candle them and there are a few that are dark..Can you give advise?

Hi Eileen,

I'm very sorry to hear about your friend's parakeet.  

Has the father been sitting on the eggs since the mother died? If the eggs have not been kept warm by one of the parent birds, then the eggs will not hatch.

If the father bird HAS been sitting on the eggs, he will raise the babies, however he might need help from you with supplemental hand-feedings (especially if there are 8 chicks!! Usually budgies only have clutches of about 3 to 5 eggs). I would recommend having dad and the babies checked out by an avian vet if the eggs hatch. The vet will be able to identify any problems you might encounter and will be able to show you how to offer hand-feedings to the babies if they need supplemental feedings from you (in addition to dad's hard work).

I hope this helps.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
