Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > African Grey- regurgitatin

African Grey- regurgitatin

23 10:33:42


Do you have any suggestions to curtail my 15 yr. old Grey  from regurgitating all the time, non stop?  I have seed stuck all over the room he's in.  Do you think a certain bird food would make a difference?  I understand their reasoning for regurgitating but all day long?  Help


Hi Eileen,

I would get your grey checked out by an avian vet asap. A sudden change in this kind of behavior could be a sign that something is wrong.  Occational regurgitation is normal is displaying affection, but this shouldn't continue all day long.

You can check out these websites to find an avian vet near you (if you don't already have one):


I hope this helps.
