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What bird can be caged with a cockatiel?

23 10:22:34


Hi. I've had my cockatiel for about 9 months. I have become very close to it but
nobody is home during the day. I spend as much time with her as I can but am
concerned because she has signs of loneliness such as plucking and screeching. I
want to know what bird is best to put in with her. I have done so much research
and have thought about it for a while but so many different places say different
things. Please respond as soon as possible.
Thank you so much.

quite frankly the only bird that should be caged with a cockatiel outside of an aviary setting would be another cockatiel. Cockatiels are one of the calmest docile species and any other kind of bird could pick on it. It is highly unlikly that they would get along if you put anything other than a cockatiel in a cage. Now if you wanted more variety you could get another species and house it in a separate cage but the birds would still have companion ship by calling to each other and chatting.