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Taming my parrot.

23 10:31:01

I have got a red neck parrot for about a year now.He is the only pet in the house I have got except for a few fishes.My parrot is very scared of everyone, he does not understand I mean no harm. His cage is placed next to the T.V. with some indoor plants.Whenever anyone comes close he sticks on to the other side of the cage. I have let him out of the cage quite a lot of times. I am trying to hand feed him sunflower seeds from a few days, I have beared his bites, he is starting to eat from my hand but is still scared. Please advice me on taming him and a few tips on entertainig him.

Hi, Nittin.  Thanks for posting.

Parrots that were not handfed as babies are usually not tame because they didn't have the opportunity to imprint on humans when they were babies.  This is likely the reason your parrot is afraid of everyone.  You need to gain your bird's trust so he won't fear you.  Most parrots who are tame are usually satisfied with interacting with their humans.  To entertain your bird, provide some mentally stimulating toys and continue allowing s/he out of it's cage so s/he can interact as much as possible with you.  Give your parrot as much attention as your time will allow, whether you actually are able to be in physical contact with s/he or not until you can tame the bird down.

Please visit my website for the information you need.  Come back with any questions you might have.
