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sick weiro

23 10:11:36

Ive been giving my weiro antibiotic for bloody loose diarhea and was wondering how long do you normally give medication for. also she has bitten me in the process is there any transference of germs to humans. Also she is becoming bald on her head is this related

Depending on the cause of the diarrhea, it may be something you can pick up, although it's not likely to be transferred through a bite.  It's more likely transferred through direct contact with the stools and incomplete hand washing afterward.
 If the causation is viral, chances are it's species specific, which means it won't cross the lines into a human (they cannot catch our colds for instance and we cannot catch theirs).

 You have to stick with the medication until the med is gone, even if the symptoms go away first.  The reason for this is because the cause may still exist in small numbers - where symptoms are alleviated.  If you stop the med too soon, the little numbers of bacteria will re-group, often with a resistence to the medication the second time around and it can be not only more difficult to treat, but possibly life threatening.

 So for how long you give the meds - the answer is 'until they're gone'.

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