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lovebirds raising...

23 10:29:59

hi chrys

hi, im kit... im new in lovebirds pets (i just have them yesterday =) 1 pair of eyering and another pair of peachface). and im planning to raise them as a hobby... chrys, can i ask you for an advice or guide in raising a african lovebirds...

thank you chrys...

Hi, Kit.  Thanks for posting!

I don't have any information to offer specifically for raising lovebirds, except that if you want them to be tame enough to handle, you must pull them from their parents at about 7 days of age and handfeed them.  Lots of general information about raising birds is on my website if you want to visit:

Come back with all your questions!  You really need to gain as much knowledge as possible about breeding/raising parrots BEFORE you start the breeding process.  You've already gone 1 step to far by purchasing 4 lovebirds before you are knowledgeable enough.  I recommend you not go further until you learn more about how to raise/care for parrots.
