Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > tame a biting red lored amazon

tame a biting red lored amazon

23 10:06:30

i have a pair of red lored amazon. the boy i think thats what the prevous owner told me is nice but the girl i can not get anywhere near her or him without her lounging at me. i am scared and dont know how to handle it. i tryed calling the previos owner but to no avail she wont pick up my calls any advice on what to do please.

There is a very good chance that they are ex-breeders. A lot of times it is challenging to handle ex-breeders because one mate is trying to protect the other. What ever you do, do NOT separate them. These birds are already bonded together and parrots mate for life, you can cause severe psychological damage if you separate a bonded pair. If you can not handle them, or the biting then you may want to consider finding another home for them. These birds may not ever be super handle-able like a baby would be. You will need to use a lot of reinforcement, and treats. You need to get the female to realize that you are not a threat to her mate.