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senegal parrot - behavior

23 10:12:11

I have a 9 month old hand reared female Senegal parrot who seems to suffer greatly from atmospheric changes in weather.The advent of an electrical storm or days of continual rain seem to make her really depressed.She takes to the corner of her cage, fluffs up her feathers and spends her day sleeping. She doesn't utter a peep for the duration. Is this normal? (I live on the high veld in South Africa)

This is a very good question. You're actually pretty observant and this could very well be an instinctive behavior.  These birds will usually take a day off from their foraging, or at least keep it closer to home when weather is prohibitive.  

I'd be watchful though since these behaviors are also indicative of an illness and if they continue beyond a day or recur when the weather's ok, early treatment is often the most successful and least costly.

 Keep up the good work!