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red-fronted macaws

23 10:12:11

I have a female Red-fronted Macaw. We finally found a male that was plucked (was told by his former mrs). The female laid 3 eggs last year and non were fetile. ^ months later she had 2, same. Now the male lives in her box and WILL NOT allow her to go into the nesting box. What can we do, add another box to the side? What would have caused this odd behavior in the male?
Thank You

It's not nearly as odd as you might think.  Try removing the nest box completely and giving them more time to bond without the pressures of reproduction.  These birds need time to go through the typical mating rituals and courtships.
 You have to keep in mind that since they're not making fertile eggs/mating right now, investing some time in letting them bond for a successful pairing the next time you install the box is worth it.
 The female needs to load on nutrition between now and then. Not just cuttlebone, but high calcium foods (I've got them outlined on my page, see below)

Also, be sure the cage is large enough so that they both can live comfortably without territorial issues.  They should each have an area that they can fully extend their wings in without touching the sides or each other.   

 See our girls and more about them

 Let me know how it goes and if you have any other questions ok?